About Bidversity

Bidversity’s mission is ambitious: unlock America’s true GDP potential by leveraging the nation’s greatest economic assets: diversity and a culture of entrepreneurship. We plan on contributing to this by empowering small businesses—particularly those owned by women, minorities and veterans—as well as US manufacturers. Together, they represent the backbone of America’s economy, employing 55% of Americans in the work force.

How We’re Doing it

The government and US corporations set aside over $3 trillion dollars per year for these vendors, but less than 10% of those dollars are matched. Bidversity is using data and AI to eliminate the inefficiencies that make these opportunities unattainable for most small and diverse businesses.

Our Service

We are a marketplace where over 1 million corporations, prime government contractors, and small businesses can connect and collaborate. Our powerful database and AI-enriched matching algorithms are operational, and our customers—including Fortune 100 companies—are eager to do business with diverse vendors even before our product launches in early 2023.